Spiritual Teaching/Coach
What does a Spiritual Coach Do?
Spirituality is not something we practice, and it's not something we do; Spirituality is a way of being (mindfulness). In this simple state of being, a certain sense of Self-Awareness begins to cultivate. The result of that cultivation is itself Spirituality, although it requires no label.
As a Spiritual Coach, I assist you in exploring this inner state of being and help integrate the insights that naturally manifest from this dimension of awareness into your specific life situations to support your particular needs. In short, I help you find more joy, success, and abundance in your professional/personal life simply by guiding you inward where the answers lie.
Quickly you will realize the energy required to manifest the existence you desire is and has always been within you, and my job will be done.
Experience Transcends Faith
As a Spiritual Coach, I keep one core concept at the heart of my practice; experience transcends faith. So we can, and will, talk about universal themes such as love, compassion, patience, and gratitude or contemplate the significance that our lives carry value beyond the sensory perceptions and material possessions of this lifetime. All of which will bring value and play a role in creating the change you seek.
However, an intellectual understating that does not have its foundation built on experience simply cannot drive the inward process of change required to manifest in the areas of life you desire.
By combining various healing modalities, my role is to guide and assist you in the experiential process of Self-Realization and thus Spiritual Awakening.
“I help people find self-healing, happiness, joy, and abundance in this lifetime by focusing on their intentions then creating an experiential-based plan to transcend them. Together, we do this by exploring an inner dimension of Self-awareness (spiritual awakening) that is a fundamental aspect of each person's existence from a Shamanic (esoteric) paradigm.”
— Troy Valencia
The Coaching Process
01 — Schedule a Introductory Session (Free)
Here we will get to know one another as we explore your intake form and dive into the core desires of what you truly seek. Typically this session runs between 30-60 minutes and will answer all your questions about the coaching process. You will walk away with a well-defined path towards lasting change and a tangible feeling of what exactly I have to offer. I like to end this first session with a guided manifestation exercise that is engineered to transform a thought or idea into a physical energy signature that will come into your life via an experience. (Phone/Video Chat/Live in Person)
02 — Coaching Session(s)
After deciding to work together, we will begin the process of outer work and inner transformation on the areas you decide are most important for your overall happiness and success. During these sessions, my focus will be your empowerment as we start to transform the aspects of your life you desire. The length and frequency of the sessions are entirely up to you; I am not here to force or pressure you into anything. Change happens in the present moment, not in an illusionary future timeline. (Phone/Video Chat/Live in Person)
03 — Enjoy Life
With an expanded awareness and control of your reality, my job as the coach/healer will be done. YOU will have changed the areas in your life that were initially intended and reap the newfound fruits of your labor. You will see that tools of change have always been inside of you and are yours to access or call upon at any time. I call this place, Authentic Empowerment.
What is Spirituality?
The definition of this word could have as many meanings as there are people on this planet. For some, it draws ties to their religious dogma and broadly defines something they deem to be true. For others, Spirituality might be a way of life or a calling to explore specific universal themes such as love, compassion, patience, and gratitude. Even more, it may represent a term used to describe a deep knowing of significance that our lives carry value beyond the sensory perceptions and material possessions of this lifetime. Regardless of how one decides to define this ever-evolving word, it is clear that the complexity of its definition leads to one exact point. Spirituality is not something we practice, and it's not something we do; Spirituality is a way of being. In this simple state of being, a certain sense of self-awareness begins to cultivate. The result of that cultivation is itself Spirituality.
Within you, there is a light; this Divinity (or Self) is your true nature. You are not your body which is subject to the cycle of birth and death. You are not your mind which is merely a matter of impression you have collective both voluntarily and involuntary throughout this and past lifetimes.
You are an eternal being that shares a divine connection with all of creation. Therefore, all life is connected; all life is one, from a simple rock to the world of spirits.
However, an intellectual understating of this truth that does not have its foundation built on experience can lead to prolonged suffering and an unconscious lifetime.
My purpose is to assist you in the experiential process of waking up, of finding your own personal freedom, of living in peace, harmony, abundance, and of being in service to this entire planet. This is Authentic Empowerment.
In this elevated state of conscious awareness, you will come to find that all you ever sought was already within you. That there is nothing that I nor any other Shaman, Healer, Guru, Book, Plant Medicine, or Master Teacher could offer you that you do not already possess. And that no external thing can ever provide you with the amount of abundance that comes from an experiential connection to your true inner Self.