Past Life Regression FAQ’s


Does it have to be done in person?

No, in fact, the majority of my sessions are held over the phone as I work with clients all over the world. A Between Lives Regression is one I only do in person as it takes a deeper form of relaxation to be successful.

Does everyone see a past life?

No, not everyone will see a past life, but about 90% do. This has everything to do with the ability of the client to surrender the left brain and allow the right brain to lead. With that being said, just because you do not see a past life does not mean you won't connect to feelings, sounds, or emotions of the past.

Will I feel any pain?

You will not feel any pain as you explore the past lives you’ve lived. Think of it as if you remember a time you were hurt in this life. The memory exists, but the physical event/pain is not actually present.

If I don’t see a past life, will I get my money back?

Although rare, if a client cannot see a past life, I will offer a free follow-up session to attempt again after some practice work to quiet the left brain. Almost always, the client will journey into a past life on the second attempt, if not the first. Unfortunately, because I am allocating my time to you, I cannot offer any refunds.

How long does it take?

A typical Past Life Regression session is 3 hours in length. To the client, this might only feel like 30 minutes as the understanding of time is distorted. For a Between Lives Regression, this can take up to 5 hours.

Will I still be in control of myself?

100% yes, this is not like the movies where you see people act like a Chicken every time they hear a bell. Instead, we are simply allowing the brain to find a deeply relaxed state (Alpha); then, we are accessing the memories that are typically hidden behind the compulsive activity of the mind during ordinary waking consciousness.