Answering the Call
It is not by chance that you are here; the type of people I support and the type of work we do together is a sacred practice that involves the attunement of Soul energies.
You are being called in some manner; now, it is your choice to decide if you want to answer the call. If you choose to answer, I am here to support you along that journey, just as my guide once did for me.

Start your journey
I serve the spiritual plane and have surrendered myself to be a transit for the expression of their love and compassion for all living beings on this planet. My reward is the service; the profits are mealy a means to allow me to continue to serve.
There is no vibration of business here. We simply have the Heart at work with the Spiritual World to facilitate healing and evolution. The souls I support do not feel they are giving me money, nor do I think I am taking their money. It is a mutual state of receivership that allows this type of work to be done.
If you have specific financial hardships or are a victim of systematic racism, making my services fiscally impossible for you, please reach out to me directly so we can work something out as I offer donation based service as well. Life/Spiritual growth and healing is for everyone and should have nothing to do with the amount of money you make.